
Everyone gets sick, ages, and needs medical advice at one time or another.

Ignoring symptoms or simply looking online isn’t always the best solution. People tend to think they are their own doctors, but a doctor can answer questions and concerns that arise in times of need.

Being smart about aging is especially a whole different ball game. Knowing when to get a checkup, what questions to ask your doctor, and how to take care of your body are all keys to living a healthier life.

What Age Should I Go to a Doctor for a Checkup?

Truthfully, no age is too early for a checkup. Most children are taken to a physician yearly, but unfortunately as adulthood arrives, doctor visits slow down unless sickness or emergencies arise.

Yearly visits may not be required if you typically have a clean bill of health and don’t have a family history of disease or cancer.

However, a doctor can recommend when to come back and what to keep an eye on until your next visit. If you haven’t had a check up in more than two years, it’s a good idea to go see your doctor.

What Questions to Ask Your Doctor

When it comes to asking your doctor questions, different people need to ask different questions based on past health problems, current health problems, and family history.

However, there are basic questions each person should ask their doctor to keep an eye on their general health.

For example:

What is my blood pressure? How can I keep it healthy?
What are my cholesterol levels? Are they healthy?
What’s my body mass index (BMI)? Is it healthy?
How can I improve my personal health?
When should I come back to see you?

These are general health questions that starting at the age of 20, each person should know and track diligently in order to maintain good health.

Now, there are more specific general questions to ask your doctor based on your age and gender.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor in Your 20s and 30s

questions to ask your doctor

As previously mentioned, depending on your health and family history, you may need to visit the doctor more often than the average person.

Generally, men and women in their 20s and 30s have minimal health problems and stay pretty stable when it comes to their health.

If you are sexually active, ask your doctor to run an exam to cover STDs and discuss the best ways to practice safe sex. And while your cholesterol and blood pressure may not be a focus, it’s always a good idea to get yours tested whenever possible to ensure your heart is taken care of.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor in Your 40s and 50s

questions to ask your doctor

Men and women in their 40s and 50s may begin to feel their metabolism slow, notice their eyesight worsen and see their blood pressure rising. Your doctor can provide answers and solutions if anything specific needs to be addressed.

As you age, it becomes a little more important to stay proactive with your health which means it’s important to avoid waiting for something to possibly go wrong before seeing a doctor.

Ask what you can be doing to help maintain good health and if there are any supplements or vitamins that can help you if you do have any deficiencies.

Questions to Ask in Your 60s and 70s

questions to ask your doctor

Both men and women are living longer and surpassing their parent’s longevity. That does not mean that they don’t have the same health problems though.

On the upside, technology is better than it has ever been to help treat and diagnose issues far before they are fatal.

Regardless of age, be sure to be open and honest when asking your doctors questions. They have seen a lot before and are there to help you.

Thinking of questions to ask your doctor will encourage you to be proactive about your health and prove to yourself and your doctor you are serious about your health, helping both parties make your health a priority.






