Why Do I Have Spider Veins?

Why Do I Have Spider Veins?

This is the right place for people asking themselves, “why do I have spider veins?” Find out the causes and risk factors for spider veins. While spider veins are generally not harmful or painful, they may be embarrassing if you have them. They are small, damaged veins...
What Causes Varicose Veins?

What Causes Varicose Veins?

Maintaining healthy circulation is important and varicose veins may be a sign of poor circulation. What causes varicose veins? Find out. Most commonly found in the legs, varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins that can happen anywhere in the body. While they are...
How to Know If Your Blood Flow Is Healthy

How to Know If Your Blood Flow Is Healthy

Maintaining healthy circulation is important for both your heart and overall health. Here’s how to know if your blood flow is healthy. Poor circulation can be a sign of an underlying cause such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol. On the other hand, healthy...
Best Fiber Sources for Your Heart Health

Best Fiber Sources for Your Heart Health

Fiber is highly beneficial for your health, so you should know where to get it. Here are the best fiber sources for your heart health. Fiber is a carbohydrate that your body can’t digest, so it reaches your colon unscathed and feeds friendly gut bacteria. As a result,...
Is Stress Putting The Hurt On Your Heart?

Is Stress Putting The Hurt On Your Heart?

It’s common for people to feel anxious, but is stress putting the hurt on your heart? Learn about the link between stress and your health. Most people are familiar with traditional heart disease risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, and high...
Vitamin K and Your Heart

Vitamin K and Your Heart

Certain vitamins can help improve heart health. Here is what you need to know about the relationship between vitamin K and your heart. According to recent research by Edith Cowan University (ECU), eating a diet rich in vitamin K may lower your risk of cardiovascular...