
Varicose veins can be an annoyance at best, but can also be extremely painful and may require some surgical procedures. There are a few at-home remedies that you can do to help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with varicose veins! Here are 8 ways how to get rid of varicose veins.


1. Exercise

Regular exercise can help improve your blood’s circulation to your legs. Exercise can also lower blood pressure which is a contributing factor to varicose veins! Try out some low-impact exercises like walking, biking, or swimming to get your muscles moving without unnecessary stress

2. Wear compression tights

Compression tights and stockings add pressure to the legs and help improve blood flow from the legs up to the heart. They can be purchased at most pharmacies and drug stores.

3. Make dietary changes

Salty and sodium-rich foods can cause the body to retain water and cutting down on them will help reduce water retention. Foods high in potassium will also help reduce water retention. For example, try eating more nuts, seeds, leafy greens, potatoes, and legumes.

4. Take l-arginine supplements

L-arginine is a supplement that improves your overall circulation by expanding the blood vessels! Better circulation can help reduce the appearance and the risk of developing more varicose veins. L-arginine Plus is one of the very best l-arginine supplements on the market. Try it out today!

Woman helping to put on sunscreen

5. Wear sunscreen

While the sun doesn’t contribute to development of varicose veins, it does contribute to smaller spider veins on your face! Wearing SPF 15 or higher every day can help reduce broken capillaries in the face resulting in varicose veins’ less significant cousin, spider veins.

6. Maintain a healthy weight

One of the best ways to prevent and treat varicose veins is by shedding excess weight. If you are overweight, you are putting more strain on your veins. By maintaining a healthy weight, you’re putting less stress on your veins.

7. Avoid hot water

Heat has a negative effect on your veins and hot water can actually make your leg pain worse! Though hot showers can feel great, don’t be deceived. They can actually hurt your legs!

8. Consider surgical options

However, sometimes at-home remedies just aren’t enough. So, if you’re really struggling swollen, painful veins, you might consider surgical options performed by a medical professional. These surgeries range in severity and invasiveness, but here are a few of the most common surgical procedures how to get rid of varicose veins:

  •         Endothermal ablation
  •         Ambulatory phlebectomy
  •         Sclerotherapy
  •         Ligation and stripping
  •         Laser surgeries
  •         Endoscopic vein surgery