Why We Need Some Cholesterol

Why We Need Some Cholesterol

We often hear that cholesterol is bad for our health, but is that always the case? Learn why we need some cholesterol to be healthy. Even though cholesterol gets a bad reputation, it turns out we actually need some in our bodies. Moreover, our body naturally produces...
Fighting Back Against Cholesterol Risks

Fighting Back Against Cholesterol Risks

If you have high cholesterol, your arteries are getting damaged. Learn about the different cholesterol risks and how to fight back. Cholesterol is a necessary part of the human body, but too much LDL cholesterol can negatively impact your health. Various factors, like...
What Are The Side Effects Of Statins?

What Are The Side Effects Of Statins?

Statins help lower cholesterol – but what are the side effects of statins? Are they worth taking if you have high cholesterol? Let’s find out. Statins are a drug that helps lower cholesterol. They block the enzyme your body needs to make cholesterol in the...