
In the United States, 23% of all adults, or over 54 million people, have arthritis. There are also many people who suffer from joint pain due to injuries. Here are a few joint pain relief ideas.

What causes joint pain?

Over time, cartilage wears down and depletes through repeated movements and aging. Due to this process, tendons and ligaments stretch, and bones rub against each other causing joint inflammation and pain.

Recommended: Learn More about the #1 Collagen Supplement to Help Your Joints

Joint Pain Relief Ideas

1. Cold treatment

Joints that are inflamed or painful can get quick relief from using an ice pack.

If you experience swelling, inflammation and joint pain, simply wrap a gel ice pack in a towel and place it in the affected area.

A bag of frozen vegetables or ice cubes will also do – just don’t apply them directly to the skin (including the ice pack).

2. Heat treatment

Using a moist heating pad, soaking in a warm bath or hot tub, or using an electric blanket at night can help keep joints loose.

Moreover, you can take a long warm shower to help ease any stiffness, even at night..

3. Lose weight

Having extra weight can out unnecessary pressure on joints, especially the ones in your knees, hips and feet.

Losing weight will take pressure off your joints and improve your mobility as well. Plus, losing weight has other health benefits.

Furthermore, losing weight can improve your mobility, prevent future damage to your joints and help decrease joint pain.

4. Exercise

Regular exercise will help to maintain flexibility in your joints. High-impact exercises such as running or HIIT exercises can be jarring on the joints and should be avoided. Try low-impact exercises like walking, yoga or swimming to flex joints without stress. Strength training can also be beneficial with the guidance of a professional trainer to avoid injuries.

In addition, exercise can help strengthen the muscles around your joints, resulting in more support.

5. Massage therapy

According to the Arthritis Foundation, getting regular massages can help reduce joint pain and stiffness as well as improve range of motion. Be sure to mention if you have painful joints to your massage therapist. A physical therapist can also teach self-massage techniques to do at home.

6. Collagen supplements

As the most abundant protein in the body, collagen plays a vital role in providing support and elasticity to the joints, as well as cartilage, bones, tendons and ligaments. When collagen depletes, adding a collagen supplement into your daily regimen can help to alleviate joint pain.

7. Acupuncture

If you’re not familiar with acupuncture, it is an ancient Chinese medical treatment where thin needles are inserted into specific points in the body.

According to practitioners, it reroutes energy around the body and helps restore balance.

While it is conditionally recommended by the American College of Rheumatology and Arthritis Foundation, there’s a low risk in harm, so why not try it?

Some reports say that it can help reduce arthritis pain – just be sure to find a licensed and certified acupuncturist.

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