
We know exercise can positively affect your health – but does running lower blood pressure? Learn about the benefits of running and exercise.

Whether it’s running or cycling or another type of physical activity, exercise can improve your heart health. Some studies show that regular exercise can lower your systolic blood pressure by 4 to 9 digits.

However, you shouldn’t wait to start exercising until you have high blood pressure. It can take anywhere between 1 and 3 months to see any changes in your blood pressure – so start working out today.

How Much to Exercise

Does Running Lower Blood Pressure?There are various types of physical activity you can do to improve your blood pressure. Whether it’s running, walking, dancing, or doing certain household chores, what matters is if your heart and breathing rates increase.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, people should get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week. Figure out what works for you to get started, whether it’s gradually increasing your time spent exercising or the intensity.

Resistance Training

While resistance and weight training may improve your overall health, they may also temporarily raise your blood pressure. If you already have high blood pressure, consult your doctor about safely incorporating weight training into your routine.

Some things to keep in mind include learning how to use proper form and not holding your breath during exertion. Moreover, you should try lifting lighter weights and increase repetitions instead of solely focusing on bigger weights.

Consulting a Physician

Even though exercise is a healthy habit, there are certain times when you should talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program. For example, if you’re older than 45, smoke (or recently quit smoking), and are overweight, consult a physician.

They will be able to help you prepare an exercise routine that fits your needs without overexerting yourself. Other things to keep in mind is if you have a chronic health condition, hypertension, or had a heart attack.

Exercising Safely

The goal of exercising is to become healthier, not get injured, which means you should do it safely. In other words, start slowly, warm-up at the beginning, cool down at the end, and gradually build up the intensity.

Moreover, you may have to stop in the middle of your workout if you experience certain symptoms. Seek medical care if you feel chest pain, arm pain, severe shortness of breath, dizziness, and an irregular heartbeat.

Tracking Your Blood Pressure

L-arginine PlusWhether you have hypertension or just want to prevent it, it’s important to monitor your blood pressure readings. By keeping track of them as you exercise, you will know how effective exercise is at lowering your blood pressure.

Remember to check your blood pressure before you exercise and keep in mind that change doesn’t happen overnight. Additionally, if you want another way to boost your energy levels along with your blood pressure health, try L-arginine Plus.

Its ingredients naturally increase the nitric oxide in your body, a compound that increases blood and oxygen delivery. Try L-arginine Plus along with your exercise routine if you need an extra boost for your health.