
Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States, among both men and women. Heart disease causes one in four deaths. It also affects certain races, genders, and age groups differently. Mayo Clinic, however, has created a new blood test to predict heart disease that may save lives.

New Blood Test to Predict Heart Disease Now

The new test can predict potential negative heart-health setbacks among patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). By testing plasma ceramides’ blood concentration, a type of lipid connected to heart disease, researchers can better identify at-risk individuals.

Currently, the test is offered to Mayo Clinic patients and through Mayo Medical Laboratories, which offers their services to about 5,000 health care groups throughout 60 countries.

Who is the Test For?

Researchers believe that this test will be helpful for young patients with early onset CAD or those who aren’t improving. The test can help doctors and researchers better understand what each individual’s case it.

Dr. Jeff Meeusen, the co-director of Cardiovascular Laboratory Medicine and a clinical chemist at Mayo Clinic stated, “Through our strong collaboration with Zora Biosciences, we hope our new test will improve the evaluation of individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease. This test is for patients with highly specialized cases, for example, patients with progressing coronary artery disease — despite treatment and control of their risk factors, or for younger individuals with premature CAD.”

Plasma ceramides are pretty accurate markers for heart-health. Allan Jaffe, a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic, said, “Plasma ceramides are promising biomarkers for the prediction of adverse CV events in either primary and/or secondary prevention. The studies to date suggest that the signals observed presage events within the next five-year period. Risk conferred by plasma ceramides appears to be independent of other established and novel biomarkers, and there are preliminary indications that high ceramide concentrations can be modified by common lipid-lowering therapies.”

In time, this new test to predict heart disease could save thousands of lives. It’s a new step in prevention and analysis of those who may suffer or are suffering from heart disease.

Lastly, if you or a loved one suffer from heart disease, you may be eligible for this new test.

