
Swollen feet and ankles after walking is a common problem – especially for older people. Learn what causes it and how to prevent it from happening.

If you experience swollen feet after going for long walks, during pregnancy, or while standing for a while, you’re not alone.

Feet can swell for various reasons, but most are a result of poor circulation and a condition known as edema.

Edema happens when there is a build-up of fluid in the legs, ankles and feet. While this swelling can be painless, you will likely notice it due to gravity pulling the fluid down to your feet.

The following are some of the causes of swollen feet and ankles – and how to prevent it from happening.

1. Limit Sodium

One of the best ways to prevent swollen feet is to avoid one of the primary causes: salt. Having too much salt (sodium) in your diet can lead to fluid build-up and swelling.

Limit the amount of salt in your diet by not adding more than needed. Also make sure to limit the amount of processed foods, as they are full of sodium.

Moreover, too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and poor circulation, which can augment the problem.

Eat a healthy, well-balanced meal and lose weight if you’re overweight, as this can also cause your feet to swell.

2. Hydrate

If you’re going for a walk, make sure you stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. You should drink at least 50% of your body weight daily – in ounces.

Those who workout and are active should increase their water intake to at least 75%.

If you want to add some flavor, don’t opt for juices as they can be full of sugar. Instead, simply add your favorite fruits or vegetables to drink flavored water.

For example, adding orange or lemon slices can give water a refreshing, zesty taste.

swollen feet and ankles3. Wear Loose Clothing

Tight workout clothes are very fashionable, but they can also restrict blood flow to your legs.

By decreasing circulation around the thighs, tight clothes can lead to more swelling in your feet.

Same goes for shoes: make sure they fit well and are not too snug.

Besides being uncomfortable, tight shoes can increase swelling.

One way to improve circulation to your legs is by wearing compression socks.

By improving leg circulation, compression socks can prevent swelling as well as blood clots.

4. Go on Regular Walks

Walking regularly helps to improve circulation and build the muscles in your legs.

If you’re not used to physical activity, start small and gradually increase the time and distance. Even by walking 10 minutes a day can go a long way.

5. Keep Feet Elevated

When experiencing swollen feet, lift them up and keep them elevated. By simply lying on your back and propping up your feet and ankles with a pillow, you can help increase blood flow.

When propping them up, make sure that they are higher than your heart. In addition to improving blood flow, elevating your feet can reduce the amount of fluid that collects in your feet due to gravity.

6. Circulation Supplements

There are various supplements for poor circulation on the market which may help when you have swollen feet.

By improving circulation, your feet and ankles can get more blood flow and alleviate some discomfort.

One of the best circulation supplements on the market is L-arginine Plus.

L-arginine Plus is a uniquely designed formula that increases the levels of nitric oxide in the body.

Nitric oxide helps to dilate blood vessels in safe and effective way, improving circulation among other benefits.

If you want support for your energy levels, blood pressure, circulation cholesterol, and much more, then try L-arginine Plus.

How L-arginine Plus can Help with Swollen Feet and Ankles?

L-arginine Plus

L-arginine Plus is the best supplement to support the heart in so many different ways. L-arginine Plus is made to increase nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a key molecule the body uses to widen blood vessels. As you widen the blood vessels you can improve blood flow in the feet and ankles to help reduce swelling.

L-arginine Plus works by providing the amino acids l-arginine and l-citrulline. L-arginine gets absorbed by the body quickly to raise nitric oxide levels fast while l-citrulline is absorbed over time and converted to l-arginine first before increasing nitric oxide levels. Both amino acids help reduce swelling by improving blood flow.

Folks love using L-arginine Plus to get healthier veins which reduces swelling, improve their blood pressure, increase blood flow and so many other benefits.

Learn more about the benefits L-arginine Plus can offer here.