
High blood pressure is worrisome, but what about low blood pressure? Find out what a sudden drop in blood pressure means to your health.

Hypotension is the sudden drop in blood pressure and it can happen due to a variety of reasons – some of no concern and some that are potentially life-threatening. The following is an overview of the causes behind hypotension, the symptoms you may experience, and how to treat it.

Hypotension Symptoms

What a Sudden Drop in Blood Pressure Means to Your HealthNormal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg or below, but if it drops to 90/60 mm Hg or lower, you’re experiencing hypotension. This acute drop in blood pressure can lead to a variety of symptoms including lightheadedness, fatigue, and respiratory distress.

Due to the lack of blood flow to the brain, you may experience dizziness, nausea, sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, blurred vision, and other common symptoms. You may also experience symptoms that are related to the condition that led to the sudden drop in blood pressure.

If you experience extreme hypotension, your brain and vital organs may be severely deprived of oxygen and nutrients, resulting in shock. Symptoms of extreme hypotension include extreme weakness and anxiety, rapid heart rate, weak pulse, profuse sweating, rapid and shallow breathing, cold and clammy skin, increased thirst, and confusion.

Hypotension Causes

The most common cause of hypotension is hypovolemia, which happens when you’re not getting enough fluids or if you’re losing too many fluids. Causes that can lead to hypovolemia include dehydration, blood loss, starvation, severe diarrhea or vomiting, heatstroke, kidney failure, severe pancreatitis, and excessive use of diuretics.

Another cause of hypotension may be decreased cardiac output, which is when the body cannot pump blood effectively. Some causes of decreased cardiac output include coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, a heart attack, and more.

Vasodilation may also lead to hypotension. While this process usually helps improve circulation and blood pressure, it may lead to too much of a drop in certain cases. Some common causes of vasodilation include drugs, sepsis, anaphylaxis, acidosis, dysautonomia, and neurogenic shock.

Hypotension Treatment

If it’s not an emergency, you should sit or lie down immediately and raise your feet above your heart level. Seek immediate medical attention if your symptoms are severe. Your treatment will then depend on the cause of your low blood pressure. For example, if you are dehydrated, then replenish your fluids by drinking water. Contact your health provider if you’re unsure of what to do.

Blood Pressure Health

Low blood pressure can be the result of various causes – some serious and some not-so-serious. For this reason, it’s important that you pay attention to the symptoms and seek medical help if they are severe.

l-arginine plusIn addition to keeping your blood pressure from getting too low, you want to keep it from getting too high. You can do this by practicing healthy lifestyle habits like eating heart-healthy foods and exercising regularly. You can also give your health an extra boost by taking supplements like L-arginine Plus.

Its ingredients promote circulation, blood pressure, cholesterol, and overall heart health. Give your blood pressure health the support it deserves by maintaining your levels in a healthy range and taking L-arginine Plus.