
Americans are infamous for the lack of fruits and vegetables consumed by adults and children alike. It’s high time we change those habits because according to a new study, eating more fruits and vegetables can prevent blockages.

Eating More Fruits and Vegetables Can Prevent Blockages

In 2013, only 15% of American adults ate enough fruit each day to comply with federal recommended serving amounts. Even fewer people got enough vegetables each day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Latetia V. Moore, the lead author of the study, stated, “All types of fruits and vegetables count, but the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that most of our fruit intake come from whole fruit rather than fruit juice and that we eat fruits and vegetables that have limited amounts of added sugars and solid fat. The guidelines also recommend that we increase our intake of dark green and orange vegetables as well as beans.”

The Study

A new study put out by the American Heart Association (AHA) found that eating more fruits and vegetables can prevent blockages in your arteries.

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) occurs when the arteries in the legs, arms, stomach, and head narrow and limits blood supply. It most commonly occurs in the legs, making walking and standing painful and uncomfortable.

The researchers conducted the study on 3.7 million people and found that people who ate 3 or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day had an 18% lower chance of getting PAD than people who ate fewer servings.

To collect the data, participants filled out questionnaires and medical surveys along with ankle-brachial index tests. Ankle brachial tests are done to compare the blood pressure levels of the ankle and forearm.

In this study, 6.3% of the participants had PAD and 29% of them said that they ate 3 or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Additionally, the researchers found that older white women were more likely to eat their full servings of fruits and vegetables. Younger black men were found to be the least likely to eat their full recommended servings.

“Our study provides important information to the public that something as simple as adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet could have a major impact on the prevalence of life-altering peripheral artery disease,” stated Dr. Jeffrey Berger, associate professor of medicine and surgery at New York University School of Medicine in New York City.

In conclusion, eating more fruits and vegetables can prevent blockages that could permanently damage your life. Pick out fresh produce when you’re at the store and keep them out at home to help you eat them.

