
Taking care of your feet is just as important as taking care of the rest of your body, so what cause feet to swell? Learn about different causes.

If your feet and ankles are temporarily swollen, then it shouldn’t be a cause for concern. However, if they remain swollen, it may be a sign of an underlying condition – especially if you have other symptoms. The following are different health conditions that may be causing your feet to swell.

1. Edema

When the excess fluid gets trapped in your body’s tissues, it means you have a common condition called edema. In addition to causing swelling and puffiness, edema can cause difficulty walking, lead to stretched or shiny skin, and more. While it usually goes away on its own, some treatment options include reducing your salt intake and wearing compression stockings.

What Cause Feet to Swell?2. Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease can result in your body retaining water, leading to swollen feet and ankles. You may also experience loss of appetite, loss of energy, muscle cramping, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, and more. Treatment options include blood pressure medications, a low protein diet, calcium and vitamin D supplements, diuretics, and other medications.

3. Preeclampsia

If you experience sudden or excessive swelling in your hands and face, it may be a sign of preeclampsia. This is a serious blood pressure condition that usually affects women during their 20th week of pregnancy. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience sudden swelling along with symptoms such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty breathing.

4. Lymphedema

If you have damaged or removed lymph nodes (usually as part of cancer treatment), you may have lymphedema. This condition causes the body to retain lymphatic fluid, resulting in swollen feet and ankles. While you can’t cure it, you can manage it by having manual lymph drainage massages, completing decongestive therapy, and more.

5. Chronic Venous Insufficiency

When your valves get damaged or you spent too much time sitting or standing up, it can lead to chronic venous insufficiency. This condition can cause blood to collect in the veins of your legs and feet, resulting in swelling and more. It’s best to treat it early, but you can make a difference by taking breaks and maintaining a moderate weight.

The Outlook

l-arginine plusThese are some of the underlying conditions that may be causing your feet to swell. Of course, there are other conditions that may be at play, such as liver disease, blood clots, and heart failure. In addition, other conditions such as hot weather, pregnancy, injuries, infections, and even alcohol can also result in swollen feet.

As you take care of your feet, it’s important to see a doctor when the cause may be an underlying health problem that may also be affecting your heart health. To take care of your heart health, take daily supplements like L-arginine Plus.

These can effectively promote your circulation, blood pressure health, cholesterol health, and more. Talk to your doctor if you have chronic swelling and take L-arginine Plus to boost your heart health.