The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the “percent of adults 18 years of age and over who met the Physical Activity Guidelines for aerobic physical activity” is only 49.2%.” Additionally, more than 68% of Americans are obese. One study recently published their findings that even moderate physical activity linked with lower risk for cardiovascular death.
Moderate Physical Activity Linked with Lower Risk for Cardiovascular Death
Just last week, researchers presented findings on how moderate physical activity linked with lower risk for cardiovascular death.
For the study, nearly 2500 adults ages 65-74 completed self-questionnaires regarding their physical activity, blood pressure, weight, height, and other health habits.
There were three different levels of activity: low, moderate, and high.
Watching tv, doing small household chores, or reading.
Lighter exercises like walking, gardening, or cycling for 4 hours minimum per week.
More intense exercise like skiing, running, basketball, or racquetball.
The study began in 1997 and ended in 2013, with a median follow-up time of 11.8 years. The researchers recorded any deaths from the National Causes of Death Register and any cardiovascular deaths from the National Hospital Discharge register.
Then, in the median time of follow-ups, 197 patients died from cardiovascular disease and 416 patients experienced their first cardiovascular disease incident.
Over the study, researchers found a 31%-45% decreased risk of acute cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients who did moderate and high leisure-time physical activity.
Similarly, researchers saw a 54%-66% mortality decrease in those who had moderate to high leisure-time physical activity.
Professor Riitta Antikainen from the University of Oulu, Finland stated, “Our study provides further evidence that older adults who are physically active have a lower risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and death from cardiovascular disease. The protective effect of leisure time physical activity is dose-dependent — in other words, the more you do, the better. Activity is protective even if you have other risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as high cholesterol.”
Regardless of age, it’s never too late to begin some type of exercise regime. Lastly, doing a fun, age-appropriate class with friends can help you live a longer, healthier life.